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Roads & Boats - scenarios for three players

Please note that we have not tested most of the scenarios on this website. They should be considered as suggestions only. When you play scenarios from this website, please mail us your experiences, so that we know how these scenarios work in practice and we may improve them or explain them better.

Scenarios that can be played with as well as without the expansion set:

Special rules: When the irrigation mark on the wonder is built, the desert fields will change into pasture as usual, but the old, light green pasture fields will be flooded and changed into sea. Land transporters present on these pasture tiles must either be taken by a water transporter or flee. Land transporters that cannot reach safe land within one step are removed from the game. Goods on pasture tiles disappear, unless they are immediately taken by a transporter. Buildings on pasture tiles, roads to and between pasture tiles, as well as walls on pasture tiles' coasts or between pasture tiles, are destroyed. Walls between pasture tiles and other land tiles remain unaffected. When a player's home marker is flooded, he may move it to a place where he has a transporter present (or a fleeing transporter arriving).
After the irrigation, the old pasture tiles will be considered to be sea tiles, but not with respect to the building of oil-rigs!

This scenario is asymmetric and may still be a bit unbalanced. Please let us know your experiences!

345 ARAL
Special rules: when the irrigation mark on the wonder is built, the desert fields change into pasture (as usual), and at the same time, the sea areas (except the tile at the river mouths) change into desert. For each water transporter which finds itself out of the water now, its owner may decide whether or not to destroy the transporter. If he decides to keep it, it cannot move anymore, but it can still hold goods or control building activities.
Existing buildings and future possibilities to build oil-rigs and clay-pits are not affected: after the irrigation, "oil-rigs" can also be built on the dried-up sea, and clay-pits cann still be built on its coasts.

This scenario is asymmetric and may still be a bit unbalanced. Please let us know your experiences!

This scenario is asymmetric and may still be a bit unbalanced. Please let us know your experiences!

Scenarios that require the expansion set Planes & Trains:

Players may start only on pasture or rocks.

This scenario is asymmetric and may still be a bit unbalanced. Please let us know your experiences!

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