Eerder gestelde vragen over de regels van Roads & BoatsDeze pagina is (nog) niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar. Onze verontschuldigingen hiervoor. Bezoekt u alstublieft de:Vraag:Antwoord:
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Vraag:Antwoord: Vraag: Antwoord:
Vraag:Antwoord: Vraag: Antwoord: Vraag: Antwoord:
Vraag:Antwoord: In case of conflict, all movements of one player should be finished before the next player may move. Indeed, if you have a group of nasties playing, you may get into trouble when playing at the same time. Most of the time, however, there are not that many options to be nasty. Our "game etiquette" is that whenever you are going to do something that might upset other players (e.g. taking goods they normally would take, entering an empty tile bordering both players, building or demolishing walls at sensitive places) one asks for the game order to be set. Such moves are only made in one out of five turns or so. If such a "gentleman's agreement" breaks down in your group of players, you can play conflict rules each phase, i.e. each player moves one after the other; each player then builds one after the other; etc. This slows down the game considerably.
Vraag:Antwoord: regels 2e ed.